These salads will help in weight loss

Weight gain has become common these days. If you have gained weight then do not panic, just include healthy things in your diet.

How to lose weight

गर्मियों में हेयर केयर

गर्मी के मौसम में महिलाएं अक्सर हेयर फॉल, डैंड्रफ, खुजली  और डल हेयर की समस्या से परेशान रहती हैं। लेकिन इस मौसम में कुछ गलतियां इन समस्याओं को और बढ़ा देती हैं।


To lose weight, do workouts daily and also take care of your diet. Instead of dieting, include healthy salad in your meal.

What to do to lose weight

Salad will be beneficial in reducing weight

It is very easy to make salad and it keeps the body healthy. If you want to lose weight then eat this salad. So let's tell you about it.

Carrot and Broccoli Salad

Carrots and broccoli contain anti-oxidants, which will help increase metabolism. Carrot-broccoli can be cut into small pieces and made into a salad.

Chickpea Salad

Soak the chickpeas overnight. Boil in the morning, add chopped tomatoes and add salt. Kabuli gram will fill you up and it will be healthy.

Orange and Apple Salad

Orange-apple is a direct source of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. It is also very easy to make, cut both and mix them. Add salt and eat.

Beetroot Salad

Beetroot is very healthy, it is known to all. Skip your meal by making a fiber-rich beetroot salad. This salad will keep your stomach full.